Social Innovations Database
One of the largest Energy Cooperatives in the country, located in Central Greece
Country: Greece
Challenge addressed: Energy poverty is recognized as a distinct type of poverty affected by multiple factors
a comprehensive approach to addressing the critical need for support for families affected by sudden deaths and injuries on the family farm
Country: Ireland
Challenge addressed: The driving force behind the Embrace FARM Encircle Programme is to support the families impacted by all types of serious and sudden traumas on farms in Ireland.
EduBuzz brings support to the children in farming communities to prevent them dropping school.
Country: Romania
Challenge addressed: Access to education in farming (rural) communities, vocational training, access to a better future for kids in farming communities (marginalized areas too)
The DPJ Foundation aims to support those in the agricultural sector suffering from poor mental health.
Country: Wales
Challenge addressed: Poor mental health and high suicide rates in Agriculture in the whole of Wales with all areas of support.
Questionnaire about 11 competencies, which have been shown to have a positive influence on your entrepreneurial skills.
Country: Belgium
Challenge addressed: Questions regarding continuation of the farm, transfer from parents to children
An online reference scheme through which farmers have an overview of all relevant (aid) organizations or channels
Country: Belgium
Challenge addressed: Barriers to aid
A network of local farmers to take advantage of common social marketing
Country: Hungary
Challenge addressed: Changing climatic conditions; disappearing farming traditions, depopulating farms; market disadvantages resulting from small scale; no resources for marketing
Establishment and equipping the Center for Social inclusion in the territory of Napoca Porolissum LAG
Country: Romania
Challenge addressed: Access to education in farming (rural) communities, vocational training, access to a better future for kids in farming communities (marginalized areas too)
Ccare farms in Kujawsko-Pomorskie region, providing day care for the elderly and disabled.
Country: Poland
Challenge addressed: Low/insufficient access to care/social services
Working with elderly people using economic, landscape, environmental and cultural resources of rural areas and a farm.
Country: Poland
Challenge addressed: Lack of care and relevant care services for elderly people living in rural areas
Encouraging young farmers to run organic and traditional farming methods and to sell their products directly to the consumers.
Country: Poland
Challenge addressed: Young people instead of staying in the countryside and taking over family farms more and more often are deciding to migrate to the cities or abroad
Empowering farm women and revitalizing the village by producing traditional handmade, high quality products
Country: Greece
Challenge addressed: Farm (rural) Women’s Social integration/identity and rural poverty