Stakeholder Agreement
Greece is one of the pilot countries of the FARMWELL project. The core partners in Greece are:
Farmwell’s Farming Partner
Aristotle University of Thessaloniki
School of Agriculture, Dep. of Agricultural Economics, Lab. of Agricultural Extensions and Rural Sociology
Farmwell’s Research Partner
1st Practice group meeting
The 1st Practice Group meeting that focused on discussion about social challenges of farmers – took place through two sessions with the participation of 22 stakeholders, including:
• An online session with “Women in Olive Oil Greece” – a female only group working in the olive oil sector, including farmers-producers, agronomists, and distributors on 15 July 2021
• A session with physical participation with the members of STEVIA Hellas Coop-agricultural Cooperative took place on 23 July 2021
Social challenges of farmers identified in Greece are presented in the mapping report
Greece Mapping Report
European Synthesis Report
The main challenges that the FARMWELL project will focus on in Greece include:
• Ageing of Farmers
• Farm (rural) Women’s Social integration/identity
2nd Practice group meeting
The 2nd Practice Group meeting – that focused on presenting and discussing social innovations in response to crucial challenges that impact on farmers’ wellbeing – took place through a face-to-face session on 19-20/03/2022 in Fthiotida, Greece with the participation of 21 stakeholders including farmers’ representatives, social innovation presenters and members of the local energy cooperative currently being established.