1st European Thematic Network Meeting of the FARMWELL Project
28 October 2021, 9.30 – 17.00

The purpose of the 1st European Thematic Network Meeting was to share the outcomes of the first phase of the project with interested farmers, farming organizations, social support organizations, research organizations / universities and other interested stakeholders from across Europe.
During its first phase, FARMWELL has mapped social challenges that farmers and farming families are facing, with particular focus on 6 countries: Belgium, Italy, Greece, Poland, Hungary and Romania, through research and “validation” of findings with farmers.

Agenda of the meeting

Session 1 – Introduction of the FARMWELL Project
Session 2: Social challenges of farmers and farming families
Breakout room discussions
Session 3: Film premiere
Session 4: In search for solutions – Social innovations
What’s next?
Final remarks & next steps in FARMWELL

Background information