Women in Olive Oil Greece

Country: Greece

Wellbeing of Farmers:  Physical Wellbeing, Mental Wellbeing, Social Wellbeing

Key Challenges: Lack of basic services, Low farm income (market vulnerability), Administrative burden, Lack of appreciation/support for female farmers, Pressure from society/negative perceptions

Key Target Groups: Young farmers, Female farmers, Older farmers

Farm Size: Small/Family, Medium

Find Out More

Key contact: Christina Stribaku

Email: wioogreece@gmail.com

Organization: WIOO Greece

Relevant Links:

Facebook Page


WIOO Greece is an informal group of women working on voluntarily basis in the framework of social economy within the wider global WIOO network. Women who have olive trees, agronomists, processors, olive oil producers, nutrition scientists share a common interest and love for olive oil as well as their life stories within an extremely competitive global environment.

They try to highlight the uniqueness and authenticity of their olive products but also the potential of women’s entrepreneurship. This network gives women a voice and a forum in which to articulate the challenge they face but also the opportunities ahead.


WIOO summarizes its goal: “to contribute to individual and societal advancement of women through the common link of olive oil.”

  • Empowering women to inspire positive changes worldwide.
  • Getting to know each other better.
  • Share ideas and vision for a better life.
  • Offer economic opportunities.
  • Develop skills.
  • Access to knowledge, innovation and training.
  • On-line webinars to women.
  • Transfer of good practices and knowledge.
  • Solidarity actions such as a “Harvest Smiles” in which the group gathers and donates olive oil for girls at a Foundation.
  • Creation of a biogenetic map of women’s olive oil farms.
  • Peer to peer learning.
Main Outcome of the activity

In April 2020, Jill Myers founded Women in Olive Oil (WIOO), starting with a small Facebook group that expanded globally in just a few days. The movement has now grown to include 1200 women in almost 50 countries. The Greek WIOO has now more than 100 women involved and has contributed to the visibility of these women as entrepreneurs in a still male dominant sector.

Main Practical Recommendations

Within a cooperative or a network women can develop skills and earn the respect of the whole community. Collective action enables women to have more independence and self-esteem and develop their technical and leadership capacities.

Women who are members of such and organization are more involved in decision making within the farming family and gain great confidence and they have access to important agricultural information and to credit for their entrepreneurial investments.

Key Stakeholders Involved

Supported by HIGGS for the nest step of the formalization of the group

Most Innovative Aspects of the Solution

This example brings a gender perspective to issues of social innovation. The community itself presents a social innovation by providing a platform for women to meet on a “safe” environment, participate on seminars, talk, and make use of peer-to peer learning and communities of practice.

It’s a very interesting example that builds a sense of community and makes women farmers feel stronger and inspired. Safeguards their physical wellbeing by presenting ways out of the overburdened and not paid activities. Empowers their identity as farmer which gives them a sense of satisfaction crucial for their mental and social wellbeing