Mental Health Literacy for Farm Gatekeepers

Country: Belgium

Wellbeing of Farmers:  Physical Wellbeing, Mental Wellbeing, Social Wellbeing

Key Challenges: Lack of basic services, Lack or difficulties in accessing health services, Lack of specialist mental healthcare services, Low farm income (market vulnerability), Administrative burden

Key Target Groups: Young farmers, Female farmers, Older farmers

Farm Size: Small/Family, Medium, Large

Find Out More

Key contact: Els Verté


Organization: Boeren op een Kruispunt (Farmers at a Crossroads)

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This social innovation provides training to farm gatekeepers in order to detect certain problems in an early stage.

These farm gatekeepers signal a problem, as well as transferring a farmer to the right aid channels. These farm gatekeepers can also act as experts to solve certain problems in a structural manner


Tackling mental and economic/business problems in an early stage


Early warning, reference to relevant social services + acting as experts/expert advice

Main Outcome of the activity

Reduction of mental and business-related challenges in farming

Main Practical Recommendations

Farm gatekeepers serve as bridges connecting the farmer with relevant social services and expert advice

Key Stakeholders Involved
  • Farmers
  • Farm Gatekeepers
  • Psychologists
  • Farm Organization

Most Innovative Aspects of the Solution

Method of proactive outreaching social work wherein farmers are accessed on the actual farm site. Farmer does not have to take initiative her/himself