Country: Poland
Wellbeing of Farmers: Physical Wellbeing, Mental Wellbeing, Social Wellbeing
Key Challenges: Lack of basic services, Lack or difficulties in accessing health services, Lack of specialist mental healthcare services, Low farm income (market vulnerability)
Key Target Groups: Female farmers, Older farmers, Farmers facing financial difficulties
Farm Size: Small/Family, Medium
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Key contact: Aleksandra Bielińska
Organization: Kujawsko-Pomorski Agricultural Advisory Centre in Minikowo
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15 care farms have been established, providing day care for the elderly and disabled. In rural areas access to activities and care is more difficult than in cities. Many elderly people are lonely – their children have moved away and they are becoming more and more withdrawn from the local community due to illnesses.
Thanks to the project, they have been able to meet other people from the area who are facing similar difficulties, make new friends and have been provided with support in everyday life.
Spending time together in a family atmosphere, exercises, activities and conversations, meetings with a psychologist motivated the participants to take better care of themselves and be open to other people.
Increasing the availability of care and activation services for dependent persons in the form of daytime stay, through the creation and development of the offer of care farms providing places in rural areas in Kujawsko-Pomorskie province and improving competence of the staff in the field of care.
Farm owners, who personally provided care, gained an additional source of income this way too.
In 15 care farms, small groups of 5-6 elderly and disabled people used day care (5 days a week). Their gain included spending time together, meals, farm activities (e.g. caring for animals, gardening), exercise, handicrafts, arts and crafts, and cooking. They took walks together and went on outings (e.g. to museums, movies, other farms). They were regularly visited by local agricultural advisors and a psychologist.
The caregivers and the volunteers supporting them had previously completed a care course, which ensured the professionalism of the support.
Main Outcome of the activity
240 persons in need of care (mainly elderly and disabled people from the local community, some of them retired farmers/farmers’ family members) benefited from the care.
These activities contributed to the improvement of their well-being, daily functioning, building up their self-esteem.
At the same time 30 people (mainly farmers) – acting as caregivers and volunteers – gained additional income and experience in care work.
Main Practical Recommendations
Most critical to the creation of a care farm are care providers who are connected to a specific place, motivated to help others, and have an aptitude for providing such services.
Key Stakeholders Involved
- farmers/family members with an interest in care and infrastructure
- local farm advisors
- local community leaders and organizations
- public entities in the field of social policy
- a psychologist
Most Innovative Aspects of the Solution
Creating places of care in the local community based on existing farms, using the potential of traditional farms in creating activity offerings.