FARMWELL is a European Thematic Network project funded by Horizon 2020.
The project aims to improve farmers’ mental, physical and social wellbeing through social innovations.
A creative product about some of the typical challenges that farmers are facing today, created by New Heroes together with Full Frame. While the film is based on the findings of the mapping of challenges and an additional large-scale survey with farmers in partner countries, it does not reflect the situation of all farmers in Europe.
Sometimes it’s hard to be a farmer today. Meet the farmers who are doing things differently! The Farm Well online series is a creative product of the Farmwell project created by New Heroes and Full Frame! Check out here the 6 real stories of farmers in Europe with social innovation projects that inspire and empower.

FARMWELL acts on the ground in six countries
FARMWELL aims to engage farmers at all stages of the project in all 6 countries through direct dialogue and exchanges called ‘practice groups’. Among others partners and other relevant stakeholders will help identifying the main social challenges and problems as well as the right solutions (social innovations) that can help addressing these.
FARMWELL brings together lessons from different national / local contexts – from both partner countries and beyond at the European level.

Multi-actor exchanges
(Work Package 1)
Engaging farmers and other relevant stakeholders from all over Europe at all stages of the project.
Mapping the national landscape
(Work Package 2)
Identify the most important social challenges that farmers and their families face.
Social innovation practices
(Work Package 3)
Identify and make accessible innovative solutions (social innovations) to address challenges
Cost-benefit analysis
(Work Package 4)
Assessing the (social) benefits of solutions using the Social Return on Investment (SROI) methodology